Tuesday 18 January 2011

Man's Plans Vs God's Plans

In the Genesis passage there are two examples of how people conspire to do what is wrong but God can take even evil plans and make them work for good.

Judah doesn't come across well in either of these stories. He is the man who is willing to break his father's heart and sell his own brother into slavery. He is also a bare faced hypocrite who sleeps with a prostitiute by the roadside and then condemns his daughter in law to death for prostitution. What a nice guy!

Yet even Judah's bare faced evil is redeemed by the actions of God who will use his betrayal of his brother to save thousands from starvation in the famine to come and he will use his lecherous misuse of his daughter in law to produce a son who will become an ancestor of Jesus.

What is utterly weird about this is that nasty old Judah himself is one of the few ancestors of Jesus who gets used in the titles of Jesus.  Jesus is the "Lion of Judah" he is "King of the Jews" admittedly names that refer to Judah's tribe rather than his person but odd none the less.  Judah certainly gets a lot more from God than he really deserves.