Monday 20 September 2010

One Year Bible

To stop me from just ploughing through my One Year Bible readings without thinking about them too much I have decided to start a blog with a short thought about something that jumps out of the text at me from each day's readings.

Today, as well as Isaiah, a Psalm & a proverb there was a great section from Galatians 5. Paul is telling the Galatians that true religion leads to freedom but false religion leads to slavery. It made me think of my own first attempts at learning Scottish Country Dancing in my early twenties in Glasgow. Dancing isn't much fun when you are watching your feet and counting.

When you get into the way of it though what started as a chore, "step 2, 3, turn 2, 3, forward, forward, back, back" soon becomes something really joyful. You soon forget whether or not you are getting everything right and begin to enjoy dancing with your partner. If you step on their toes you say sorry, they smile, accept your apology and you keep on dancing.

Am I as free as I could be in my relationship with God or is it all "step 2, 3, turn 2, 3, forward, forward, back, back"?

Location : 1-23 Park Ave, Tullamore, Co. Offaly,

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