Sunday 14 November 2010

The cheering crowd

Ezekiel 29:1-30:26

Hebrews 11:32-12:13

Psalm 112:1-10

Proverbs 27:17

We've been looking at the book of 1 Samuel in church these last few Sundays and one of the recurring themes of that book is how the sons of great men don't often become great men themselves. The pressure of having a famous or successful family must be horrible. No worries there for me thankfully...

This makes what is said (and how it is said) in today's passage from Hebrews so special.  The writer of this letter could so easily have listed the saints of the Old Testament and the inter-testamental period and then gone on to say, "That's the standard, they're watching you closely to see if you match up!"

Instead he or she states that this great crowd of saints is gathered around us cheering us on. This great crowd of witnesses are the people who are shouting your name from heaven, urging you on as a follower of Jesus.

They do not look down on you accusingly, wondering whether you are up to scratch or not, instead they shout you on and wave your team colours for you.

Listen up, can you hear them chanting your name?

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