Friday 5 November 2010

We're Doomed!

We are all going to die!

Normally the kind of phrase reserved for dodgy Hollywood disaster movies or the fat red-faced guy in a super hero film who is just about to be crushed by a flying car thrown by the bad guy / monster / evil opposite of the hero from a parallel universe.

But the bizarre thing is that its true.  We are all going to die.  All of us.  Or as the Blues Brothers would put it, "You, me, everybody" we're all going to die.  It's the last big taboo in a society in which we have gotten rid of just about every other taboo you can think of.  Want to go on Jeremy Kyle or Jerry Springer and talk about your lesbian affair with your dad's sex-change best friend?  OK, go ahead!  Want to talk about death?  No!  Don't talk about that.

The Proverbs passage today is pretty blunt and to the point.  Don't boast about tomorrow, you don't know if you're going to have one.

Being aware that you are going to die can be both a liberator and a motivator for people.  I've been reading and listening to a lot of biographies over the last few months and some of the greatest figures in the 20th Century managed to achieve the things they did because they were convinced early on that they didn't have very long to live and so set out to seize life in both hands and do something with it, sometimes for good and sometimes for ill.

So, to quote a famous 20th Century Philosopher, "Life's short and there's no return and no deposit."  Get on with it.  If you have questions you want to ask, ask them.  If there is something you want to achieve, get working.  If there are things you want to find out, go looking. If there are sorrys that need said or relationships that need fixed then go do your best to do it.  Never think, "I'll think about this later, I'll do this later, I'll say sorry later, I'll get right with God later..."

You might not have a later to do it.

And while we are on the subject of death...

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